Anxiety Treatment

anxiety treatment

What if … 

  •  the next time that anxiety, panic or worry struck, you were in control, not the anxiety?
  • you could turn the tables on fear?
  • instead of worrying and obsessing, you could focus on enjoying your life instead?

There is hope!  The approaches that I use in my therapy practice have helped millions of anxiety sufferers to take back control of their lives and feel better and more confident. So whether you suffer from panic attacks, excessive worry, phobias, social discomfort, or obsessions and compulsions, you can recover! Through changing the way that you respond to your worries and anxiety, you can regain a sense of control over these symptoms. Instead of spending your time worrying, you can spend it enjoying your life again!

Anxiety is Normal, But It Doesn’t Have to Control You 

Anxiety is a normal feeling that everyone experiences from time to time. However, if your anxiety is persistent, overwhelming, and ever-present, it may require intervention. Many people try to cope with anxiety on their own. The ways that people cope with anxiety, although they work with other problems, do not work with anxiety. In fact, you may be unintentionally making the problem worse by using ineffective strategies. That’s why it’s so important to use the correct interventions in order to be successful and see the results you want. 

Can Anxiety Treatment Work for Me?

You may be feeling discouraged because you have suffered from anxiety for a long time – maybe for years. This is no reflection on how quickly you can recover! Many people who have suffered from a long-term anxiety disorders are able to make rapid progress once they use the proper methods. This is often the case because effective approaches for anxiety treatment can be counter-intuitive, and so are not easily implemented without structured support.

You may be wondering if you can manage anxiety on your own. There are some very good self-help resources for anxiety recovery, and I would encourage you to use them. However, anxiety treatment ‘homework’ assignments may feel daunting. Sometimes it can be difficult to maintain your momentum and make progress on your own. In those cases, it is best to seek a counselor trained in anxiety treatment as a coach to help you succeed.

You may be wondering if your anxiety symptoms are a sign that there is something wrong with you. That is just anxiety talking, trying to scare you! You are just fine the way you are. You can learn to talk back to anxiety in a way that quiets your fears and builds your fortitude.

The Right Approach Matters

I have extensive knowledge of anxiety treatment, and the most effective ways to help you to get better. I also have great compassion and understanding for what you are experiencing. I encourage you to see me as a coach and guide, who can help you to feel more in control and at peace with yourself.

Please check out my blog post about anxiety treatment, and feel free to contact me for a free 20 minute phone consultation. The only thing holding you back from experiencing more inner peace is an effective toolkit of strategies and some needed encouragement.

Best wishes to you, and remember: 


You are just fine the way you are.

Have faith in yourself.

You are stronger that you ever thought possible.

Everything is going to be alright.